If you have applied for a business loan (or plan on applying), you know the essential thing to today’s lenders is your credit score. This number, which ranges between 300 and 850, speaks volumes about your ability to manage your money and make your payments. Stated by a credit repair Dallas expert, your credit score not only affects whether lenders will let you borrow money, … [Read more...] about What is a Good Credit Score? Credit Building Tips for Entrepreneurs
How to Identify the Right Personal & Business Credit Coach
Almost everyone knows the importance of a good credit score. When companies and businesses are deciding whether or not to lend someone money, what interest rate to charge that person, and even whether or not to hire an individual, their credit score is going to matter. People who have low credit scores might have issues receiving a loan, qualifying for insurance, or competing … [Read more...] about How to Identify the Right Personal & Business Credit Coach
Why Did My Credit Score Drop After Paying Off Debt?
When you pay off a large chunk of debt, it is natural to expect your credit score to rise as a result. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Your credit score can actually drop after paying off debt, though it is very much temporary. If you would like to learn why this happens, and potential ways to mitigate the drop in your credit score, utilize this informative guide to … [Read more...] about Why Did My Credit Score Drop After Paying Off Debt?
What Happens to an Entrepreneur’s Average Credit Score After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Those who work in the business world understand risk and reward. Sometimes, business ventures do not always go as planned. During difficult financial times, all options are on the table. One of the options that businesses consider is declaring bankruptcy. There are many different types of bankruptcy and one of these is called Chapter 7. It is important for everyone to … [Read more...] about What Happens to an Entrepreneur’s Average Credit Score After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?