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6 Ways to Sleep Better So You Can Run a Successful Business

regular sleep schedule

As a society, we place too little value on sleep. It’s common for busy entrepreneurs to sacrifice sleep for their business, plugging away at work until everyone else has gone to bed and waking up as early as possible to get a jump-start on the day. But sleep deprivation has some serious effects on our productivity levels. Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived suffer from a wide array of emotional and cognitive effects, from irritability and anxiety to forgetfulness and poor judgment. There’s no question that getting enough sleep is important, especially if you run a business of your own. Here are some simple but effective tips to help you sleep your way to success.

(1) Upgrade Your Mattress

Entrepreneurs can have a hard time sleeping at night even when they try to go to bed early. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, your mattress may be part of the problem. The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every seven years. If you wake up with stiffness or fatigue after a full night’s sleep, your mattresses may be getting too old to support your body during the night. Check your mattress for signs of wear like sags, tearing, ripples, and bumps that may indicate it’s time for an upgrade.

Consider replacing your mattress to secure better-quality sleep. Online mattress brands have made mattress shopping as easy as possible, so you can get your new mattress delivered in a box right to your door. Be sure to factor in your body type and preferred sleep position when picking a mattress. Typically, back and stomach sleepers are more comfortable on firmer mattresses, while side-sleepers and petite individuals may need a mattress on the softer side. If you’re looking for a medium-firm bed, Leesa mattresses work well for a variety of sleep styles and body types and are especially accommodating for people with bed partners. Take the time to read online mattress reviews before buying to ensure you’re investing in a mattress that will keep you comfortable and supported all night.

(2) Improve Your Sleeping Environment

Your bed isn’t the only aspect of your sleeping environment that could use some improvement. Remove clutter, work-related items, electronics, and anything else that may keep your mind stimulated at bedtime. It’s also important to keep your bedroom cool, between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, to help your body trigger sleep onset and stay asleep during the night. Light and noise can be disruptive as well, so consider investing in blackout curtains and a white noise machine to transform your bedroom into a dark and quiet den. You could even try repainting your walls in soothing colors and incorporating some decor that makes you feel calm and at ease.

(3) Schedule Your Day

Scheduling your day is important for gaining better control over your work-life balance as a busy entrepreneur. With a good routine, you’ll be able to prioritize essential aspects of self-care, like sleep and exercise, that will keep you functioning at your best. For example, Empire recommends starting your day with a regular morning routine. Tackle a task that will take the most effort from you while you have the highest energy levels, so you can start your day feeling a significant sense of accomplishment. Remember to schedule a consistent bedtime into your day as well. Following a regular sleep schedule will help train your body to sleep more efficiently so you can waste less time in bed trying to fall asleep, waking up during the night, or hitting snooze in the mornings.

(4) Practice an Evening Ritual

Developing an evening ritual will help you put your work on the back burner and get to bed at the same time every night. Set an evening alarm to let you know when it’s time to put work away and start winding down. This is also your cue to turn off the TV, step away from the computer, and put your phone down—looking at screens too close to bedtime can interfere with your body’s production of sleep-inducing hormones.

During your evening routine, engage in relaxing activities that make you feel calm and content. This could mean curling up on the couch with a good book, taking a hot bath, or going for an evening walk around the block. You may want to try meditation or writing down a to-do list for the next day to get any stressful thoughts out of your head. Maxine Drake also recommends taking magnesium before bed to help you get into a regular sleep schedule.

(5) Stop Hitting Snooze

When morning finally comes along, avoid hitting that snooze button. Going back to sleep again will cause your body to start a new sleep cycle, releasing sleep hormones to prepare your body for another round of deep sleep. When you wake up to your alarm again just 10 minutes later, you’ll be waking up in the middle of an early sleep cycle. This will leave you feeling groggy and fatigued for the rest of the day. Instead, start your day off feeling bright-eyed by getting up with your first alarm.

(6) Watch Your Caffeine Intake

If you’re like most business owners, you rely on coffee to get you through the day. But caffeine can have a serious impact on your sleep quality many hours after your last cup. It can take six or more hours for half of the caffeine you ingest to work its way out of the body! If you enjoy a cup of coffee in the late afternoon, you’ll still have caffeine in your system when your head hits the pillow that evening. Not only will this interfere with your ability to fall asleep, but it can also disrupt the quality of your sleep and lead to more frequent nighttime waking. Try to play it safe by limiting your caffeine consumption to the morning.

Taking care of yourself and ensuring you get enough good quality sleep is important for the lasting success of your business. If you’re battling fatigue, irritation, and brain-fog, you won’t be able to make the best decisions for your growing venture. Prioritize time for sleep and take steps to improve your sleep quality so you have the energy to keep your business moving forward every day.

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