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Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit: A Simple Funding Option for Cannabis Entrepreneurs

Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit

The cannabis industry is unique unto itself. While the cannabis plant has been legally used for many millennia (mostly in the manufacturing realm), the latest overwhelming interest and demand for the cannabis plant relates directly to its medical and recreational properties.

Recently, the medicinal and recreational uses of marijuana and cannabidiol (a sister derivative of the plant) have become ‘front  & center’ news through advocacy groups touting the plant’s new (and previously known) healing and relaxing benefits.

Since 2000, thirty-three states have revised their marijuana laws to allow for medicinal or recreational use. Other states have decriminalized for possession, should an individual be carrying only a small amount.

The recent revisions to long-standing marijuana laws have created a need to celebrate for the many advocates working to achieve these goals. The recent hoopla and press surrounding this emerging market have created some interesting and innovative business opportunities.

What is an Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit?

Unsecured cannabis business lines of credit are financial instruments that are used by the owners/entrepreneurs of new and existing cannabis businesses.

Like any other line of credit (or credit card for that matter), the unsecured cannabis business line of credit is a revolving, reusable line of credit with a preset maximum limit. Funds become available for re-use, once they have been repaid.

Here are some important features of unsecured cannabis business lines of credit –

The unsecured cannabis business line of credit is also a smart way to build a credit history for the cannabis business. A strong credit history begins to open doors to future financial opportunities. It cannot be overemphasized how important this is for the future growth of a business.

[Click here to find out if you qualify for up to $250,000 or more in unsecured cannabis business lines of credit].

How to Get Approved for a Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit

When first designed, unsecured cannabis business lines of credit were only available through the more non-traditional funding outlets –the creative niche of microlenders. However, even large banks (who are remarkably reluctant to change) have begun to recognize the potential profits of this unmet financing need.

Typically, when applying for a unsecured cannabis business line of credit, the borrower must submit the following documentation –

Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit Financing — The Pros & Cons

Financial instruments, like the unsecured cannabis business line of credit, are created to meet a specific financial need. In this case, the need is to provide financing to individuals who have –

As a result, specialty financing is often a great choice for those who possess that very need. However, the possibility exists that specialty financing may not be an ideal fit for certain lending situations. The following is a recap of the pros and cons of cannabis business lines of credit –


It is noted that unsecured cannabis business lines of credit fall within the lending category of high-risk financing. This is due to the fact there is no requirement for an income check, a business history, or collateral. For borrowers and entrepreneurs, the risky nature of the line of credit translates to higher interest rates. As such, cannabis business lines of credit are ill-suited for long term financing objectives.

[Click here to find out if you qualify for up to $250,000 or more in unsecured cannabis business lines of credit].

What Type of Cannabis Business Would Benefit from an Unsecured Cannabis Business Line of Credit?

Unsecured cannabis business lines of credit meet a variety of financing needs in cannabis businesses and the industry. A cannabis business can be distinguished between two fundamental types of businesses — those who cultivate cannabis and those who sell it. Within each category, there are many business options and opportunities. The cannabis industry’s potential has yet to be defined.

Cannabis Business that Sell

There are many ancillary businesses that support the cannabis industry. These include, in part, –

Cannabis Business that Cultivate

Cannabis cultivators are known as the ‘plant touchers’ of the cannabis sector. Cannabis cultivators focus on the science of growing hardier, higher yielding plants to bring to market. These cannabis industry workers include –

The Takeaway

The cannabis industry’s gross sales are now reaching into the billions of dollars per year, with expectations of tremendous growth. So, essentially, the cannabis industry’s potential has yet to be defined. At this time, it is likely that the growing demand for cannabis products will open significant opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in an emerging sector of the economy.

[Click here to find out if you qualify for up to $250,000 or more in unsecured cannabis business lines of credit].

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